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Data Maturity Quickscan

The level of Data Maturity in an organization doesn’t just refer to the way you use your data, it’s about how data in your organization can be used to make clear decisions that you couldn’t have taken without it. It’s about how data can be used to make better business decisions, create new innovations, reduce costs, improve customer retention and much more.

When a company wants to become more data minded, our first order of business is to check their Data Maturity. We’ve reduced our Data Maturity assessment method to a Quickscan that gives you a clear insight into where you stand by answering 26 questions.

How Data Mature is your company?

Data maturity never just refers to data. It’s a concept that stretches across your company and through every level of your operation. Data Maturity is the extent to which you are doing on various critical success criteria concerning:



Data Assets, Access & Awareness






Why Data Maturity matters

By improving your Data Maturity, your company can reduce uncertainties and improve in many vital aspects like:

  • Making better business decisions
  • Making new discoveries
  • Improving customer acquisition/retention/satisfaction
  • Reducing costs
  • Optimizing processes, and much more.

Our Quickscan will give you a clear insight into how data is being used in your organization and in which stage of Data Maturity your company is today.

Answer the 26 questions as honest as you can. It will take you no more than 10 minutes. You’ll see your result immediately after. For an optimal result; ask different people in your organization to complete the Quickscan and compare the results. We can also assist you in creating an organization-wide picture of your level of Data Maturity, including the logical next steps towards data-driven decision making.

Check your level of Data Maturity

Start the Quickscan: