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Service EF Business solution

Business Solutions


Data is key and we all know. Having the data in, structured and accessible, is the next step. Our people analyse, model and engineer so you have the information quick and valuable at your finger tips.


Before having data at your finger tips, we need a proper understanding of what it is you are looking for and as well, have clear what the future purpose of the data has to be. Our analysts work, based on agile practices, with you in close collaboration to refine your exact demand.


Analysis is one thing, building the analysis into a valuable soltion is the next. Our engineers are experienced on multiple platforms and have a deep understanding of the value it has to bring in combination with aspects like security, accessibility and daily use.

Service Early Friday - Agile solutions, transformation, coaching & delivery

Agile transformations, coaching & delivery


Agile requires a deep change and that change will take time. Even after a “transformation” coaches will be needed. Our coaches bring the change, working as an agile team in close collaboration with the client representatives. They fulfill roles such as transformation lead, technical coach, leadership coach and team coach. And after transformation they are available for improvement work the moment you need them. They are agnostic, understand multiple frameworks and deeply understand the various practices. They are certified , experiences and speak their languages.


Sometimes you don’t need a change, you are already there, you need people who help you in your delivery. We have agile project managers, delivery managers, tribe leads, etc. who are capable to provide you that extra pair of hands and the brain you need to help you out temporarily.


In case you have a large to delivery to do and you don’t have the right capability or capacity at hand, our project leaders help you to make that happen. From a green field to delivery, where you start generating your required value, they are able to do this for and with you.

Scrum masters

As we all know, agile working means a lot is expected from the scrum masters. Spot on, deeply understanding team dynamics and being able to both help to generate the value needed and coach the team at the same time, that is what they can do for you.


Development people and business people often don’t speak the same language. It is up to the product owner to bridge that gap and make sure the RIGHT thing is delivered to help you to generate your value needed. Our product owners do this for and with you!

Service EF Agile masterclasses

Agile masterclasses

Agile mastery

Agile is really different from single framework working.. This masterclass will help you to understand and use multiple practices from various frameworks to get the best for you and achieve the value you need in your organization. Just ask for more details.

Agile project management 

Setting up new products or solutions require a complete approach for the client, the team and the people leading the teams. This masterclass helps you understand and practice from start to finish including everything you need to keep people aligned, inform the environment of the delivery and avoid any kind of delay before go-live. Just ask for more details.

Business Agility

“Agile is for IT”, for us the big misunderstanding. Value delivery is what you do all together and when is late, the delivery is late.  Agile is there to bring value to your organization faster and better then you are used to. This requires the full collaboration within your organization and when needed with external parties as well. This masterclass will help you to deeper understand and set this up in such a way your whole organization benefits. Just ask for more details.

Facilitation for Agilist

Agile relies heavily on collaboration of all involved. Joint sessions are key and these need to be well facilitated by an experienced process facilitator. This training will help you to understand how to identify the purpose of the sessions, prepare the session and the participants and how to work together to a shared valuablee outcome that helps your organization. Just ask for more details.

Agile leadership program

Both in an agile transformation and in an agile organization, the leadership team is the make or break factor. This program helps leadership teams to understand their teams, understand their own role and how to guide and lead teams during both deliveries and transformation. Just ask for more details.

Agile coach academy

Being an agile coach is not an easy job. You need a deep understanding of agile and agile frameworks and as well you to understand topics like delivery, facilitation and coaching itself. This academy will prepare you for that role. Just ask for more details.

Service EF Data science


Data Science

Building models and extracting insights from data to inform and improve decision-making

Data Modelling & Engineering

Managing data pipelines, warehousing, quality control, and monitoring to ensure efficient and accurate delivery of data.

Data Dashboarding 

We make your data ‘pretty’! We visualize and present data insights in a user-friendly format.

Data Security / compliance

We take measures to protect data from unauthorized access, breaches, and ensure adherence to regulatory standards.

AI solutions

Building models and extracting insights from data to inform and improve decision-making.
